Monday 9 January 2012

Confessions Pt. 1

It is the beginning of January 2012 and I am sitting in my room avoiding readings like the plague. Like many professional procrastinators I began wandering off into deep thoughts about absolutely arbitrary concepts. On one of my rambling trains of thought i got on to the topic of my future, a common fear for most people my age. As a 20 year old student who has absolutely no idea what she wants to do in life it is a scary thought. initially i believed, oh I am going to university to get a bachelors in environmental studies, it is a progressive world there will be something for me. As I grow older listening to prof after prof telling me everything I need to know except for what I can even do with this degree has me baffled. Anyways in deeper thought I took a look at myself and critiqued my own personal lifestyle and habits. A revelation occurred! It is evident that I am an awful example of a so called "environmentalist". In the past week I have drank a 24 pack of water bottles, basically the number one no no for any environmentally conscious person. The water bottle is pretty much the poster child for eco-friendly living. That is not the worst of it. Today I drove my parents gas guzzling minivan to my school which is 10 minutes walk down the road, simply because it was too cold to walk for an 8:30 AM class. I constantly take long showers, leave the car running and waste food like its poisonous. You can say that I definitely do not practice what I preach. This depressing realization of my faults and deceit made me consider a drastic change in my lifestyle. In order to truly be the person I want to be I must completely change my lifestyle from wasteful princess to living with a minimal ecological footprint. This is not something that can happen over night and will not be easy if it was, the earth would not be in the state it is now. This blog will follow me through my journey, providing helpful tips and easy solutions for everyday life. Goodnight.

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